Stephen King's The Mist Wiki

Paralie Marquena Paralie Marquena 3 June 2017

Movie sequel ideas

I like making this stuff up.  These ideas are assuming the novella does not exist (I know it does, but let's pretend it doesn't).  Think everything from silver screen to straight-to-DVD to television.

  1. It is 4 months later and David is in therapy on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.  He slowly puts his life; his sanity back together to become whole again.  
  2. It is 2 months after the aliens were on Earth and David has gotten himself a small condominum and a drinking problem that did not take long to form due to what he went through.  Then, he gets news - based on DNA testing, his son is alive.  However, Billy is now handicapped thanks to David's premature murder and will never speak or walk or go to the bathroom on his own.  Can David get…
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